Thursday, December 13, 2012

Home Alone!

I never knew how boring it could be with no one around! Hubby's at work and my baby girl is with her Godparents Christmas shopping while I'm here at home collecting my thoughts and relaxing. I guess it's always good to have some alone time right? It just sucks because I have no one to tell at or talk to. lol. Ugh! I feel like a loser. Anyways, can't wait for her to com home so I can see her gifts. I'll post pics when time permits!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm baaack! lol

So it's been a few months since I've blogged an it's crazy thinking about it. But I'm finally getting the chance too and I'll try to update it every now & then. Anyways, so much has happened in the months I've been gone. The last time I blogged I let you all know we were expecting another child, no I haven't given birth yet but she will make her debut in January so you can pretty much imagine my excitement. We're excited to be adding a new addition to our little family but more so that our Liana will have someone to play with other than her imaginary friends. lol. Other than that we've been extremely busy and trying to juggle a million things at once but I thank my Heavenly Father for his guidance each and everyday. I'll definitely keep you updated from time to time but here's a few pictures of what's been going on and how much we've grown! Enjoy!!!