Thursday, December 13, 2012

Home Alone!

I never knew how boring it could be with no one around! Hubby's at work and my baby girl is with her Godparents Christmas shopping while I'm here at home collecting my thoughts and relaxing. I guess it's always good to have some alone time right? It just sucks because I have no one to tell at or talk to. lol. Ugh! I feel like a loser. Anyways, can't wait for her to com home so I can see her gifts. I'll post pics when time permits!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm baaack! lol

So it's been a few months since I've blogged an it's crazy thinking about it. But I'm finally getting the chance too and I'll try to update it every now & then. Anyways, so much has happened in the months I've been gone. The last time I blogged I let you all know we were expecting another child, no I haven't given birth yet but she will make her debut in January so you can pretty much imagine my excitement. We're excited to be adding a new addition to our little family but more so that our Liana will have someone to play with other than her imaginary friends. lol. Other than that we've been extremely busy and trying to juggle a million things at once but I thank my Heavenly Father for his guidance each and everyday. I'll definitely keep you updated from time to time but here's a few pictures of what's been going on and how much we've grown! Enjoy!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Baby News

Hey guys! I know its been sometime since I last blogged but I'm here and I have news. Saia and I have been blessed yet again. Yes, we are having a baby! My Liana is going to be a BIG SISTER.

It really just seems so unreal because I really never planned to have another child until we were good and ready but, I guess you really can't turn down a blessing. Saia and I are super excited and will be happy with whatever the lord blesses us with.

My 1st appointment is scheduled for the 12th of July. So we have sometime before I get to see our blessing. The doctor says I should be around 11 weeks so we'll see. Until than stay tuned!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day!

A day to sit back and relax while hubby does all the work! Lol. Yesterday I was fortunate enough to get to celebrate it with my love and my daughter. It was everything I expected. Didn't get anything materialistic because that's just NOT me. I'd rather have two smiling faces than to get a new watch or flowers. It seriously is just tons more meaningful, if you ask me. I was blessed that my hubby made a delicious lunch even after working a full eight hours at the hospital. I'm sure he was super tired by still managed to make mother's day special for me. I love him whole heartedly and thank him and my Liana for making me the mother I am today!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Busy Bees

So lately it's been super hectic around here. The hubby's been busy with work and meetings for their entertainment business and I've been busy taking care of a one year old child who swears she's five and has thee most energy in the world. On top of that I've been trying to get back into shape and juggle trying to launch a business. Oh gosh! My head wants to explode and its going to soon. But, that's not where it ends. We've not only been busy with our everyday stuff but our whole year is filled with events I don't even know where to begin. We've got four birthday's and Las Vegas this month to start off with and way too much going on next month that it hurts my brain to think about. But all in all I'm glad I get this time to be with my family. It's truly a blessing to be able to get to do all these things. Tune in for my next rant and rave. Lol

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blood is Thicker than Water

About two weeks ago I had the opportunity to go backl home to Utah and visit my family, so while my hubby went one way we went the other. It was my baby's first airplane ride and she did so good, infact a couple of people were so surprised that she was so good throughout the flight. That made me one proud mommy! Anyways, I had so much fun out there with my parents, siblings,  and of course my comical nieces and nephew. I couldn't help but to feel like it's where we belonged and I still feel that way to this day. It was so nice to see that my Liana fit right in with her cousins. My siblings love the heck out of her and my parents spoil her just as much as they do the other four. We spent about two weeks there and I can't believe how fast time flew by and I know its because we were having the time of our lives. I felt so complete being around the ones I love and so incomplete because my husband wasn't there to enjoy the time with us. We had so much fun and it was definitely time well spent!

My Samoa

On the 22nd of March my husband as well as his mother was able to fly to American Samoa for his Uncle Faulalo Moli's funeral services although they were there for such uncertain circumstances my hubby could not stop talking about how much fun he had especially being with his family. He learned so much during the Fa'alavelave and even said that compared to Fa'alavelave's here in the states it's extremely different, which of course is totally understandable seeing as how that is the place of origin for our cultural well-being. Anyways, besides being there for the funeral my husband was able to travel around the island and visit some of his families in Leone (Siaumau) and Fagatogo (Tiumalu). My hubby and my mnl were also able to do alot of shopping which resulted in me getting a bunch of stuff from Samoa, which I am so thankful for. But, enough of the jibber jabber here's some photos of the stuff I got:

my Liana's 1st Birthday

So as many of you know my daughter Liana turned "1" last month. I can't even begin to explain how hectic having to plan a birthday party was. But since she's our only daughter we had to give her the best or at least we tried. For a couple of months my husband (Saia) and I were contemplating on a theme and came up with an M&M candy theme, fat? yeah I think so! As hard as it was trying to find decorations we were so glad that we have some very talented friends. We thank everyone who helped us celebrate our baby girls special day for it couldn't have happened without you guys. Here are some pictures from her 1st birthday:

Liana's Birthday Cake/Cupcakes
(Thanks to Aunty Effie Young)

Liana's Table along with Gift bags & Centerpieces
(Thanks to Aunty TinaTriece& Uncle Freddie
& Aunties Charity, Amy, & Tiana Maulupe)

The Birthday Girl & Her Daddy!

Liana & Her Papa & Gma w/ Uncle Tony (in black)

New & Improved

Hey Guys!

 So I've started a completely new blog, seeing as how I totally slacked on keeping up with the last and don't remember my password. So here I am again the second time around. So please bear with me because this blog page will be one to remember! Anyways, hope to re-connect with everyone, we would love to keep in contact and to read about how everyone is doing. Have a blessed year guys! Love, the Falo's