Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blood is Thicker than Water

About two weeks ago I had the opportunity to go backl home to Utah and visit my family, so while my hubby went one way we went the other. It was my baby's first airplane ride and she did so good, infact a couple of people were so surprised that she was so good throughout the flight. That made me one proud mommy! Anyways, I had so much fun out there with my parents, siblings,  and of course my comical nieces and nephew. I couldn't help but to feel like it's where we belonged and I still feel that way to this day. It was so nice to see that my Liana fit right in with her cousins. My siblings love the heck out of her and my parents spoil her just as much as they do the other four. We spent about two weeks there and I can't believe how fast time flew by and I know its because we were having the time of our lives. I felt so complete being around the ones I love and so incomplete because my husband wasn't there to enjoy the time with us. We had so much fun and it was definitely time well spent!

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